Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Cowboy Caviar

I was really excited for this week because I have been desperately wanting to make this amazing avocado, black bean, white corn salad. I don't know what it's really called but my old roommate Jenny made it for me so I usually refer to it as "that-one-delicious-thing-that-Jenny-made-for-me-that-one-time." Anyways it has avocado in it so I counted it for my veggie of the week.

So the salad consist of white corn, black beans, tomatoes (another vegetable! I'm an overachiever), cilantro, juice of a lime and zesty Italian dressing. SO GOOD! I could it eat all day. (oh wait, I actually did that yesterday.)

Here's Jenny's recipe. Thanks girl :)

1 can black beans 1 can white corn 1 tomato 1 avocado 1/4 packet zesty italian dressing -mixed as directed with vinegar (I usually just toss in some dressing and some vinegar, you know, eyeballin' it. It works pretty well) Cilantro to taste Lime to taste

This is the finished product! Once again I had to model my food with my right hand and take a picture with my left hand, but this one turned out better than the last one. The salad just looks colorful, fresh and fun. Plus it tastes yummy.

 So I made this salad for my dinner group and it was a hit! My friends were so kind and modeled for me. This is Derrick. He loved it! Can't you tell by the picture?

This is my roommate Catherine. She loved it as well, but was a little more dainty about it. Overall everyone enjoyed it and it made me super happy.

This was all that was left by the end of the night. There was only a little left over and I may or may not have just eaten the rest of it as I was writing this blog post....

I have different avocado salad that I want to try later this week so stay tuned!

Sunday, April 29, 2012


Ok so I basically did the same thing as last time, but with some slight variations.

Yes I did sitr-fry my zucchini again, but I left them in whole circles instead of cutting them in half (I was really proud of myself).

To change up my dish from the last one I made, I added some teriyaki stir-fry sauce. Do you like how the bottle is strategically placed to show what I'm pouring into the pan? It was actually rather difficult to pour with one hand and take a picture with the other, but I'm amazing and I did it.

Voila! My teriyaki chicken and teriyaki stir-fry zucchini. It still looks kinda funny, one day I will learn how to take professional pictures of food. I know that this was very similar to my last dish, but I'm taking baby steps.

I'm excited to start a new veggie next week and I already have a couple of fun recipes I want to try, but more about that next week. 

Thursday, April 26, 2012


So for my first veggie I picked Zucchini. Not for any particular reason. It was just one that was on sale at the store and one that I figured is one of the least grossest veggies so I took a chance. So for my first idea of how to eat this veggie I decided to stir-fry it. I grew up stir-frying veggies because it was the only way I would tolerate them.

So I started by simply cutting up my zucchini. At first I had them in circles and it looked way too scary so I cut them into halves. I figured I could force myself to swallow these little guys better than giant circles. Then I put them in a pan.

I threw them in with some Pam, I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Spray, onion powder, garlic powder and a little basil. (The basil was just to make it look cool).

The finished product. I know it looks kinda weird in this picture...it did in real life too. But anyway, I put my seasoned stir-fry zucchini halves on top of white rice and a basil pesto tilapia filet. I never really eat fish....or vegetables...I feel super healthy. Oh yeah!

Here's a picture just to prove that I actually did eat my vegetables instead of throwing them away.

So there you have it. I ate a vegetable. And I am still alive. Stick around friends, there will be more veggies to come!

Also, if you have any ideas of how to prepare veggies in a way that might make someone like me (a self-proclaimed veggie hater) to eat them (and heaven forbid, enjoy them) by all means, comment and let me know!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Battle Against Vegetables Begins

The only vegetables I have ever loved are Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber from VeggieTales.

But now I'm a twenty-something and it's probably time for me to start eating my vegetables. I have never really liked them, but I really want to. So this summer I have decided to try eating a vegetable every week. I will find recipes that I can choke down and see if I can stand eating vegetables by the end of the summer.