Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The day I blew off Kelly Ripa on national television

I was tired, cold, a little grouchy, and not in the mood to talk to Kelly Ripa apparently.

New York City really had been rubbing off on me.

Not only was I already running late to work, but I also didn't want to be out in that insanely freezing "east coast style" blizzard a second longer than I had to be.

It was a very interesting sight. Two guys and a camera all wrapped up under a black tarp thing. But, ever since I'd arrived in NYC I had done everything I could not to look like a tourist. I just figured it was a weather crew getting some b-roll of the blizzard. So I just kept walking down Columbus Avenue with my hot pink umbrella listening to my music.

Then all of the sudden the camera guys start getting closer and closer to my face. I began to panic a little bit inside and was thinking, "What the heck is this camera guy doing? Get out of my face dude." Then I heard the weirdest thing.

"Hey Lady!"

First off, I can't remember the last time I was called "lady" like that. Second, where was this bizarre woman voice coming from? All I see are two camera guys dressed in black, inches from my face. But, I just kept walking.

I was trying to wrap my head around what just happened when I look up at all the tv's inside the ABC building to see live footage of the street I'm walking on. Then it hits me.

Holy crap. I was just on tv.

So I tried to wave back at the camera, but by then my moment of fame had passed.

I walked into my office still stunned and a bit confused. After telling my coworkers about my weird walk to work, they convinced me to go back out there and see if I could talk to the camera guys. The segment was over, but the camera guys were still there. I asked them what happened and one guy just looked right at me and said, "Kelly Ripa was trying to interview you on national television and you just blew her off."

For a while I was really upset that I'd miss my chance to talk to Kelly Ripa. But when I watched this clip for the first time, I actually felt kind of proud of myself. In the words of Michael Strahan:

"That lady's like 'I'm going to work, I'm not worried about you guys."

If you're reading this on your smartphone, you might not be able to watch this clip. Try watching it on a computer, it should work.

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