Monday, November 17, 2014

Flirting Tip: never reference Miley Cyrus... ever.

I'm no flirting expert but I'm pretty sure bringing up Miley Cyrus is not the smoothest move ever. Especially when your family is right behind you.

It had been a long day of driving and being out in nature. One of those days when you don't do your hair and only put on the essential makeup (mascara for me, have you ever seen blonde eyelashes?). I'm pretty sure I even skipped the shower that day. So basically I was super hot.

It's late, I'm car sick, my contacts are starting to get all fuzzy, and I can see my frizzy curly hair starting to fall out of it's loose bun thing on top of my head. Yes, crazy lady hair. My favorite.

As my family and I walked into the hotel I saw the guy at the front desk.

Dang it. He's cute.

And I'm super gross.

But then something inside of me lets go of all my inhibitions. I know what it is... fatigue. When I'm tired, I start to act a little loopy. So what do I do? Decide right then and there that I'm going to flirt with this cute front desk guy even though I look scary and my family is right next to me.

The only thing is, I'm not coming up with great flirting material. My jokes are falling flat and I'm just struggling.

Then I see a sign behind the desk that looks like three little toy blocks. I do a double take, move closer, and start laughing.

My family and cute guy look at me and I point to the sign.

Do you see it?

How about now?

I don't know if you're seeing this, but all I see is:


(No, Miley did not wear football pants in her music video. Yes, I did photoshop her.)

Everyone is pretty surprised by my observation and not quite sure what to do with the new information.

I turn to cute guy to say one last thing before we leave.

"Now you are never going to look at that sign the same way again." A smile emerging on my face and a weird sense of accomplishment running through me.

"Nope, I won't," was all he said as he went back to staring directly at his computer and typing on his keyboard. He tried to keep his professional demeanor, but I saw the corner of his mouth curl up in a suppressed smile.

Nailed it.

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