Monday, November 10, 2014

Spaghetti Squash

Today I made my favorite vegetable. Spaghetti squash. It's probably my favorite because it's named after a carb which makes sense because it tastes that good.

I prepared my spaghetti squash in a very yummy, simple way. Just like my mommy always made it :)

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F and grab your squash.

Cut the spaghetti squash in half length-wise and scoop out all the guts. It's kind of like carving a pumpkin. A delicious, yellow pumpkin that tastes amazing.

Fill your baking dish with some water. I usually pour in enough water to fill the dish about one inch high. Sprinkle some salt and pepper on the water and place your squash in the dish, insides facing down.

Cover with tin foil and throw in the oven for about 45 minutes. It will vary with the size of your squash. The main point is to just have it in there long enough so that it will shred when you take it out.

When they're ready to go, take a fork and scrap the flesh of the squash. This gives it that noodle-like look. Be careful, it is EXTREMELY hot. My brother had to hold the squash with hot pads on either side while I scraped.

 Then the pay off. 

Serve up your squash topped with whatever your heart desires. My favorite is good old-fashioned butter, salt and pepper. I threw on some parsley flakes to make it look a bit fancier. My family likes throwing some parmesan cheese on their squash. I've also seen people use marinara or alfredo sauce. Seriously, just go for it. 

This is literally my favorite vegetable. This is what my bowl looked like 5 seconds later. 

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